“When I was 17 years old I had injuries that resulted in the loss of my spleen, and adrenal gland, a kidney, I also suffered damage to a lung, diaphragm and the small intestines. Additionally, a plastic tube replaced part of the aorta, there was damage to my spine, and I was told that I could never have children. Although the prognosis for my health and my life wasn’t good, these experiences started me on a journey to discover about alternative health. That sojourn led me to alternative healers, as well as to cutting edge medical breakthroughs and research. I learned healing techniques from a Lapland shaman in Finland, the spiritual head of the Zulu in Africa, a traditional healer in Brazil, a master of Japanese shiatsu, chi kung healers in China, a respected aboriginal healer in Australia, renowned doctors in London and countries around the world, Maori healers in New Zealand, and many, many more. My quest for healing has taken me numerous times around the planet and at the end of my odyssey is Dr. Marquis. His integrity and determination to discover the source of a malady, and his passion to positively impact the healing of his clients, is stellar. His mien is humble, yet I see him as a kind of mythic hero on a quest to do whatever it takes to relieve and heal his clients . . . no matter how big the dragon is that needs to be slain. I have gone to him for my back, my hip, for broken bones and general health maintenance with excellent results. I highly recommend Dr. Marquis.”
Denise Linn