
When an individual receives the diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease it can be a devastating time for all concerned.

Common symptoms of this condition are seen with tremors, instability, rigidity, slow movements, poor sleep patterns, depression and other symptoms like the slowing of the bowels.

There may not be a cure for Parkinson’s, but the Functional Medicine approach uses leading-edge technologies and customized care to improve symptoms that make life more difficult for patients.

Using Functional Medicine and Neurological processes, the brain is encouraged to restore and enhance function through targeted neurological exercises and activities. Dr. Marquis’s approach is to work together with the patient to maximize their quality of life.

This approach includes neurological and physical exams and in-office diagnostic testing equipment to pinpoint functional or cognitive brain impairments in Parkinson’s patients. A care program individualized to the patient is designed to focus on their specific challenges. Throughout their time together, Dr. Marquis will continually measure progress and refine treatment regimens based on objective and subjective feedback and patient progress to ensure we can help improve functionality as much as possible.

The Functional Medicine / Functional Neurology model is well equipped to successfully evaluate and support patients with movement disorders such as Parkinsonian Tremors.

One of the first steps is to provide the tools necessary to arrest the degenerative process affecting the brain. This may include labs to determine metabolic and genetic factors that may predispose a patient to inflammation and neural degeneration.

Next Dr. Marquis and his team will assess the brain and its function with a detailed neurological exam combined with QEEG (Quantitative Electro Encephalography) and LORETA (Low-Resolution Electroencephalographic Tomography).

Finally, a plan will be implemented. This will always be unique to the patient and their specific situation and needs but it will include continued neuro-metabolic support to keep inflammation as low as possible while supporting neural repair pathways. Then neurologically to retrain the brain and facilitate new neural pathways to replace those that have been damaged and stimulate those that may be dormant to a greater state of function.

The potential for the human brain to repair is amazing and in Dr. Marquis’ opinion is only limited by our willingness to create the environment where repair can occur and then doing the work!

As is the case with TBI, CTE, and Concussion, Dr. Marquis has found helping his patients with Parkinsonian tremors to be one of the most fulfilling aspects of his work. He truly loves seeing neurodegenerative patients regain parts of their lives that they and their loved ones thought were gone forever.

Some of the things to expect with the evaluation for Movement disorders and Parkinsonian Tremors are:

  • Physical Exam combined with memory tests
  • An evaluation of the eyes and their ability to track and focus
  • Balance and posture testing
  • Gait analysis
  • Targeted brain stimulation
  • Equilibrium and balance improvement
  • Low dose electrical stimulation to “wake up” affected nerves
  • Custom visual and physical exercises.

To help people understand the great things that can be done with brain training Dr. Marquis would encourage those suffering from neurodegenerative changes leading to movement disorders to watch the two following videos. They are about a man named John Pepper who literally retired his brain to by-pass his basal ganglia to “over-ride” his Parkinson’s. His techniques have now helped thousands of patients to function again despite having Parkinson’s.

This is a powerful message of hope and interestingly NOT the ONLY innovative brain protocol for this disease but is one EVERYONE should learn. Just know that there is so much that can be done. DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE. Hopefully seeing this will help motivate those who feel helpless to know that with the right evaluation and metabolic environment, and training, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

John Pepper Parkinson’s Journey:

John Pepper Parkinson’s Journey:

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John Pepper Parkinson’s Walking Evaluation:

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