EEG and Neurofeedback



Neurofeedback is intended for people with neurological and nervous system conditions. Here is a list of symptoms that are shown in research studies to be clinically responsive to neurofeedback:

  • ADD / ADHD


“I really feel like the NFB therapy is helping. I am having more and more moments where I realize things are just quiet in the ol’ noggin. It catches me by surprise sometimes and is really nice – all that endless chatter just subsides for a bit. The anxiety is much improved and I haven’t felt like I’ve needed Kavinace for the past 5 days. Thank you very much for suggesting it.”
– Julie
(NFB stands for Neural Feedback Therapy, and Kavince is a medicinal for anxiety)

The following are testimonials from parents of children on the Autism Spectrum and ADHD.

“Hi Dr Marquis, I just wanted to send you an update on how Delaney is doing with her (Neurofeedack) therapy. I was sharing with the girls up front and they encouraged me to email you. Since Delaney started her therapy, we have noticed her playing on her own. For example, playing with dolls and talking for them as she acts out scenes. She was never able to do this before. She has had toys still wrapped from Christmas in her closet that she is finally pulling out to play with! Also we have noticed more creativity! If she ever colored pictures they would tend to be 1 color (the entire picture!). Now she loves to color and is using tons of different colors and even making designs in her pictures. Those are the biggest changes we have seen! She is definitely more alert to the things around her, where as before she was just in her own world. We do notice that she is a little louder and hyper at times. But we are so excited with all the positive changes, that it’s easy to overlook the negative! Wanted to thank you again for all your time and help with Delaney! We look forward to seeing more improvements down the road!!! Hi Dr. Dave, Today Tyler saw his Psychiatrist (Dr. R), for his med review. I told him about the (NeruoFeedback) mind mapping and how Tyler’s sensitivity to having his head touched for hair washing and combing has improved 100%. He was very impressed and said that the touch sensitivity in Autistic individuals is one of the most difficult aspects to deal with and he is amazed at Tyler’s improvement. Tyler also brought his math grade from F to C. Today he spent 3 plus hours “building” a hang glider. It was very impressive to see how he translated what he saw on a you-tube video into an actual structure. It was refreshing to see him so focused and driven on a project and take initiative and run with it. Dr. R wants to work with you and understand what you are doing. He hopes to diminish Tyler’s meds. I gave him your phone number and Monday I will give him your email. This is exciting!

Dr. Marquis
Thank you!
Even though I’ve been updating you with the problems we have been having there have been so many changes! He talks sooo much more, keeps eye contact, is calmer in alot of situations and wants some alone time/quiet time. Those are all new things. Christian slept with him a couple nights and said he hasnt been waking up at all or moving as much as he use too! Plus he has been sleeping till 6/6:30 ( use to be 4:45/5). Huge improvements soo far!!

This is from a patient who suffered with fatigue, brain fog and anxiety:

Hi Dr. Marquis,

(Since starting the Neurofeedback) I’m noticing that I am functioning much better and I’ve had several memories come back. I had “lost” most of my childhood memories which was disturbing to me and now they are flooding back. Thankfully – I had a good childhood so it’s a pleasant experience. I’m also able to focus better and think through processes much better. I’m able to do Sudoku now and I wasn’t able to think through these puzzles before.

Thanks, Penny

Save Your Brain Lecture (1 Hr. 45 min.)

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We live with a model of care that will not diagnose, treat or address brain health until an end-stage neurological disease is identifiable. The most disheartening thing is that in this model the golden window of opportunity for change and arresting the neurodegenerative process is gone for good. Were we to address the lifestyle and triggers that “turn on” undesirable genes and disease we potentially could “save our brains.” In addition to stopping the pro-inflammatory neurodegenerative lifestyle triggers, we must learn to protect and continuously develop positive neuro-plasticity.

The term neuro-plasticity is becoming more widely understood. At one time we thought that the brain was “hard-wired” in the sense that “what you have you have and if it’s damaged it’s gone.” Well, it is not that cut and dry or simple. Modern neurology now understands that despite the natural attrition of neurons during the aging process we can continuously and at any age develop new connections between the neurons we have left. These new branches are what allow us to regain function after trauma or to learn something new at an older age. The healthier our neurons are the more potential they have to develop a strong connection with each other. The methods by which we can create positive neuro-plasticity are amazingly diverse and often quite enjoyable.

The field of functional neurology has grown out of a need to address this gaping hole in our model of health. Within functional neurology are activities called “brain-based therapies.” Once you help an individual metabolically to turn off their systemic inflammation you can facilitate neurological repair with these therapies. Many can be done on your own with an app on your cell phone or computer. Others are a little more involved and require professional evaluation and implementation such as mind mapping and neurofeedback.

We are pleased to be one of the first offices to offer neurofeedback to the Central Coast area of California, including San Luis Obispo and the surrounding cities. Also known as Brain Training, this groundbreaking approach incorporates state-of-the-art equipment with the expertise of our professionally trained staff.

Introducing Neurofeedback – A New Approach to Brain Health

For over 40 years the accepted treatment for neurological symptoms has been the use of medications. However, the disadvantages to medicating the brain are becoming more widely known. Side effects are common, and stopping the medication often results in a return of the symptoms. Patients are becoming increasingly frustrated with high-cost medications that do not offer a long-term resolution of their symptoms. There are other ways to change the brain that are non-invasive and more natural. It’s no secret that the food you eat, and exercise, are both critical to brain function. But this is often not enough to alleviate more serious conditions.

Fortunately, a new field called Neurofeedback has emerged that is yielding positive results for many people with debilitating neurological symptoms. Neurofeedback has been shown to be incredibly powerful when done right with a licensed practitioner. There are many case studies of people who have changed their lives for the better-using neurofeedback. Research has shown people of all ages see a dramatic improvement in ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Brain Injury, Migraines, Seizures, Chronic Pain, Addiction and more. Results like these have become too common to ignore.

Neurofeedback is not an instant process. It takes time for the brain to change and learn. Often many sessions are needed to see any results. But, typically, once clients are functioning better and have fewer symptoms, they can reduce or eliminate their reliance on medication.

Neurofeedback has been proven to change the brain – to change timing in the brain. It’s published in scientific literature. It’s used by thousands of licensed health professionals around the world. It could be the most important new tool available for mental and neurological health.

What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback (also called Neuro Therapy) is a non-invasive process where brain waves are monitored in real time by a computer, which can then use that information to produce changes in brainwave activity. The process of adjusting brainwave activity is known as operant conditioning, which is a method where rewards for positive behavior increase learning capabilities.

It has been well documented that people who suffer neurological problems have abnormal brain waves in certain areas of the brain. For instance, case studies using QEEG “brain maps” have shown that people with Attention-Deficit-Disorder (ADD) have elevated delta brainwaves, while those who suffer from depression have elevated alpha brainwaves. Those with anxiety will have elevated Beta brainwaves, while those suffering from memory loss usually have decreased theta brainwaves.

Training the brain using neurofeedback can change these brainwaves over time, adjusting them to normal, healthy ranges. It can improve alertness, attention, emotional regulation, behavior, cognitive function, and mental flexibility. When the brain moves back into normal ranges, users will often see a reduction in symptoms.

The best part of neurofeedback is that results are often permanent, allowing a person to reduce or even eliminate medications altogether. Where medications only manage the symptoms, the goal of neurofeedback is to address the underlying cause and restore normal brainwave functions.

How Does Neurofeedback Work?

Neurofeedback utilizes a non-invasive technique for monitoring brain activity. Small electrodes are attached to the head while our Neurointegration software records the brain waves and displays the data in real time. During this time the patient is watching a movie or listening to music. The software compares the incoming brainwaves to that of an optimal brainwave in the target range. When deviations from normal brainwave activity occur, the computer triggers an audio or visual cue that alerts the patient that they are outside normal ranges. These cues are received by the brain, which subconsciously adjusts itself back to a normal pattern to make the cue stop. With enough repetition of this process, the brain eventually learns to stay in the normal ranges on its own without the computer. With the brain functioning normally on its own, symptoms of irregular brain activity will decline.

Neurofeedback does not target any particular disorder. Its purpose is to change timing and activation patterns in the brain. This improves brain regulation, which can impact a variety of symptoms. Different symptoms will require triggering different areas of the brain. The software is designed to target specific areas of the brain according to a patient’s symptoms.

There is no magic number when it comes to the number of neurofeedback sessions a patient could need. Just as every person is unique, the number of sessions will vary according to each person. Noticeable results typically occur between the first and tenth session. In general 20 – 40 sessions are needed for the results to become permanent. Some require more training, some less. The goal is to complete enough sessions to ensure consistent and lasting benefits. A brain map can be generated at any time between sessions so that you can visually see the progress your brain is making.