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What do the terms Metabolic and Brain Based Therapies mean?
Metabolic and Brain Based Therapies are core nutritional and neurological protocols that when used in combination will provide an extremely powerful and an all-natural healing technique to restore people to their optimum state of health.
Your brain controls and coordinates each and every function of the body. When functioning normally, the cerebellum, which is located at the back bottom part of your skull, sends messages or “fires-signals” to the brain (right and left hemispheres) which then in turn “fire-signals” to the brain stem (mesencephalon, pons, and medulla) which is located just prior to the spinal cord. This is called the “Brain Loop”.

Your health, well-being, physical vitality, mental clarity, and emotional stability are all directly correlated with proper brain function…. the “Brain Loop”. When functioning correctly, the cerebellum receives adequate input, sending normal input to the brain’s frontal lobes, which sends sufficient input to the lower brainstem, keeping the mesencephalon from over-firing.
What goes wrong? Stress physical, chemical, and emotional stress will adversely affect this “brain loop”. Stress is not necessarily a bad thing. However, it is the constant, pervasive, never-ending stress of our culture that is so detrimental. If one side of the cerebellum is not receiving enough nerve input, it cannot send sufficient nerve input to the frontal lobe, which can’t send enough input to the lower brainstem to keep the mesencephalon from over-firing.
What’s the big deal with the mesencephalon? The mesencephalon (a.k.a. upper brain stem, a.k.a. midbrain, a.k.a. cerebral peduncle) normally is inhibited by the brain. In other words, when the “brain loop” is intact, the mesencephalon is kept in check kind of like the brakes on a car. Think of the example of Tom Sawyer with his Aunt Polly there beside him to keep him from acting up.

However, once there is some sort of interruption of the “brain loop”, the mesencephalon is left unchecked kind of like a car with little or no braking system (you could also think here of that same Tom Sawyer, left home alone with no supervision and free reign of the house!). Basically, the brain gets stuck in a sympathetic (fight or flight) response meaning that your body is running like you are in some sort of danger. Many people live in this state on a continual basis without an understanding that it is their brain that is not being regulated.

A mesencephalon that is not firing properly may cause symptoms such as twitching eyelids, dizziness, fibromyalgia, ADD, hypertension, chronic pain, etc.
What about the cerebellum? Another key part to the “brain loop” is the cerebellum. This is the backside, or bottom portion of your brain that controls your balance and coordination, spinal postural muscles, and terminates eye movements. But that is not all literally every aspect of brain input runs through this region such as sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, speech, etc. When one side of your cerebellum is not firing properly it can lead to a host of common ailments.

In terms of structural problems a misfiring cerebellum will cause one side of the postural muscles to be in constant spasm. This one-sided muscle spasm will change the motion of the spine allowing for injury and pain. We hear many people say “all my problems seem to be on the right or left side of my body”. This is a brain problem. As a result of this “sidedness” individual vertebrae will lock up and be restricted in their normal movement. Consequently, chronic back and neck pain, spinal degeneration, arthritis, disc herniations, and sciatica may develop.
How do you fix the brain? A thorough Functional Neurological examination using our exclusive Metabolic and Brain Based Therapies will reveal which aspect of your brain is not firing properly. Since once side of the body is controlled by the opposite side of the brain (example: right brain controls the left side of the body), most treatments are given on one side of the body to stimulate the opposite hemisphere of the brain. A safe, gentle, hands-on, dynamic integration process is used to re-boot, reconnect and restore proper brain function. Traditional chiropractic instruments and/or adjustments are also used, but they are used in a very precise manner to stimulate function in the effected part of the brain. This interestingly often requires manipulation of only one side of the body. In addition, visual, auditory, and olfactory stimulation, vibration, eye movements, eye exercises, warm calorics and other modalities may be used to increase brain firing.
What health problems can be helped? Please understand that Metabolic and Brain Based Therapies are not a specific treatment for any disease, illness or disorder it is a comprehensive approach to supporting the patient not the disease!
We do not try to cure anything. However. My expertise lies in increasing the function of your Brain by using Receptor Based Stimulation (RBS) that is both appropriate and within your brains metabolic capacity. In essence we facilitate a process of appropriate metabolic feeding and Re-Wiring YOUR BRAIN which, in turn, will facilitate what the brain was set up to do from the beginning which is direct your bodies systems, prompt your body to begin to heal and take back control of those systems that have gone haywire and caused you so much grief and despair.
Now once the “brain loop” is restored and the brain imbalances are minimized (brain balance restoration) amazing things can and do happen. The following is a list of health conditions people have shown significant improvement through our Metabolic and Brain Based Therapies treatments:
Brain Based Therapy is a clinical, functional neurology protocol developed by Dr. Frederick Robert Carrick the country’s leading chiropractic neurologist and chiropractic’s only neurological fellow. To learn more about his incredible work I encourage you to view his PBS documentary called “Waking Up The Brain: Amazing Adjustments”. This link that should take you to the: video of the PBS show. Also, here is a ABC News interview with Dr. Carrick and several of his patients: ABC Interview. The Carrick Institute offers classes internationally and helps patients around the world with severe neurological disorders.
A couple other doctors that deserve credit by name are, Dr. Michael Johnson, a board certified chiropractic neurologist, and author of the best selling alternative health book, “What Do You Do When The Medications Don’t Work ?” Dr. Johnson has developed a Neurological Brain Based Therapy (BBT) program for doctors who wish to pursue this difficult and time consuming post graduate training. Then another great mind in the Metabolic and Neurological arena Dr. Datis Kharrazian who wrote the book “Why do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms if My Lab Tests are Normal ?” provided a great new look at the auto-immune aspects of so many of these chronic diseases that traditional medicine fails to treat appropriately.
Through continual study with these three great doctors and others Dr. David Marquis has embraced and developed an exclusive treatment program utilizing the best of Metabolic and Brain Based Therapies.
Take a look at our Testimonials on this site as well as the ones at lifechangingcare.com and see how our clinic and hundreds of other clinics across the country are using BBT to help people overcome their neurological challenges and also help others to get out of the cycle of chronic pain and IMPROVE THEIR QUALITY OF LIFE!