Interactive Metronome

Interactive Metronome

The Interactive Metronome (IM) is a neuro-motor therapy that has changed clinical expectations by assisting patients in reaching greater functional gains in a shorter period of time.


The IM is an assessment and treatment tool used in neuro-metabolic therapy to improve the neurological processes of motor planning, sequencing and processing.

The IM program provides a structured, goal-oriented process that challenges the patient to synchronize a range of hand and foot exercises to a precise computer-generated reference tone heard through headphones. The patient attempts to match the rhythmic beat with repetitive motor actions. A patented auditory-visual guidance system provides immediate feedback measured in milliseconds, and a score is provided.

A person with headphones on and some text

Interactive Metronome Testimonial

This testimonial is from a parent of one of the many children who have seen the benefits of doing the interactive metronome. These results were observed after 2-3 weeks of therapy totaling about 10 sessions:

“Hello Dr. Marquis! Great news already! Evan’s has improved from about 25% accuracy with catching in baseball to 75% 🙂 It is very obvious that he is focusing more on the field and also playing even better. His eye hand coordination has improved. His attention at home and at school has improved also. I am excited about the possibilities with finishing his treatment! I have been telling everyone about the treatment and giving your cards out. I know two of the people are planning on coming in. One has a son with ADD and another is a friend recently diagnosed with Parkinsons. Just wanted to tell you the good news! :)”

– Lina

Over the course of the treatment, patients learn to:

  • Focus and attend for longer periods of time
  • Increase physical endurance and stamina
  • Filter out internal and external distractions
  • Improve ability to monitor mental and physical actions as they are occurring
  • Progressively improve coordinated performance.

Such patients include:

  • Sensory Integration Disorder
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Non-verbal Learning Disorder
  • Balance Disorders
  • Limb Amputation
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
A kid reading a book with an advertisement for improving reading and writing.

We have been extremely pleased with the improvements and results we regularly see with our patients when the IM is in their treatment plan. Dr. Marquis is the only IM certified doctor in the San Luis Obispo County.

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