Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive, painless brain stimulation treatment that uses direct electrical currents to stimulate specific parts of the brain. In a session of tDCS a small amount of direct electric current is applied to the skin of the head and the associated body part that is being treated via two electrodes. A constant, low intensity current is passed through the electrodes, which modulates neuronal activity via either anodal stimulation or cathodal stimulation. Anodal stimulation ramps (stimulates) up neuronal activity, while cathodal stimulation reduces (calms) neuronal activity.
The collective effect of this therapy is the potential to change overall neuronal activity. This can provide opportunity to turn off long standing pain patterns and phantom pain.
DC Stim is cheap, painless, and safe. We’ve found it to be highly effective when utilized for pain management, regenerating nerves, tinnitus relief, and GI stimulation. Additionally, several studies have shown that it may be a valuable tool for the treatment of neuropsychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety, and Parkinson’s disease, and aiding in stroke recovery.
In our practice we’ve found that results tend to last longer when sessions are done frequently and in close proximity. There is no downside found thus far to tDCS with the most common side effect being mild irritation to the scalp where the electrodes were placed.