How Inflammation Affects Every Aspect of Your Health

A woman sitting on the beach looking out at the sunset.

David M. Marquis, DC, DACBN Inflammation controls our lives. Have you or a loved one dealt with pain, obesity, ADD/ADHD, peripheral neuropathy, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, migraines, thyroid issues, dental issues, or cancer? If you answered yes to any of these disorders you are dealing with inflammation. Sadly, most of us are suffering from one…

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Get a Grip! – Understanding Anxiety David M. Marquis, DC, DACBN

A person sitting on the couch holding a clipboard

Anxiety affects one out of every four Americans. Women have a higher risk and incidence for it, due to developmental, societal, and endocrine factors. Anxiety disorder research in general is progressing but has largely been focused on pharmaceutical intervention which in many cases has proved to be as detrimental as the condition itself. Due to…

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Allergies, Fast and Slow

A little girl is blowing her nose with a tissue.

Allergies come in all varieties. The term allergy often brings to mind the individual with the red dripping nose that can’t stop sneezing. Another allergy that comes to mind is the obvious food allergy where you need to avoid a food that when eaten can cause your body to swell up and in some cases…

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Even Your Diet Needs Spring Cleaning

A woman sitting at the table with fruits and vegetables.

In my daily practice one common issue I attempt to educate and help my patients with is in gaining an understanding of inflammation, what it is, how we experience it and how to minimize our personal inflammatory load. Reason being, inflammation leads to pain and disease two things most of us are motivated to avoid.…

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How To Combat Your Colds

A man wrapped in a blanket sitting on top of a couch.

The humble cold is the most common infectious disease in the U.S. It accounts for more absences from school and work than any other illness. The most common route of infection is not from coughing or sneezing, or walking barefoot in the rain, but from hand-to-hand contact. That is why when you have a cold,…

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Laser Therapy helped Rafael Nadal’s knees at the U.S. Open

A blue background with a light shining through the center of it.

Look at the base of Rafael Nadal airport cart and you will see a K-Laser carrying case. If Nadal found that spending $27K on a laser was beneficial to his Tennis play it must have had a significant impact! We use this same laser regularly for our patients suffering with degenerative joints and nerves. Nadal…

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