Posts by pwsadmin
Patient Success Stories17
“Your advice about taking Vitamin B-Complex and B-6 worked to stop the swelling in my legs. About a month after I started taking them the swelling in my legs stopped. The vacation to Lake Tahoe didn’t affect my legs either. We had a good time thanks to you. My doctor also appreciated your suggestion. Thank…
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The Mystery Illness and Pain “After 3 months of severe fatigue, numbness, tingling, pain, not being able to sleep at night I was at the end of my patience. I had 5 MRI’s, about 30 blood tests, I had seen 6 doctors and no one could give me a diagnosis or help improve my condition.…
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“I want to thank you so much for helping me achieve a healthy lifestyle. I am so thankful that you were able to pinpoint the foods that I should and should not be eating. From the first day I walked into your office I knew that my life would be different. I walked in at…
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For a long, long time now (did I say long?) I’ve been in an awful lot of pain with a tight hip flexor each morning upon arising. It got to be a regular thing(and annoying) and obviously very painful. Well, things are definitely looking up! Last week, Friday, (April 1) I rolled out of bed…
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Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all . . . – Emily Dickinson”
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Early in 2012, my 14-year-old son, Robbie, was diagnosed with a moderate/severe case of Crohn’s disease. After experimenting with a variety of medications and watching dosages continue to increase, Robbie’s suffering was unceasing. As we traveled along the medical path, we became less and less comfortable with the massive amount of drugs being pumped into…
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This testimonial is from a parent of one of the many children who have seen the benefits of doing the interactive metronome. These results were observed after 2-3 weeks of therapy totaling about 10 sessions:” Hello Dr. Marquis! Great news already! Evan’s has improved from about 25% accuracy with catching in baseball to 75% It…
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Dr. Marquis Thank you!Even though I’ve been updating you with the problems we have been having there have been so many changes! He talks sooo much more, keeps eye contact, is calmer in a lot of situations and wants some alone time/quiet time. Those are all new things. Christian slept with him a couple nights…
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Hi Dr. Dave, Today Tyler saw his Psychiatrist (Dr. R), for his med review. I told him about the (NeruoFeedback) mind mapping and how Tyler’s sensitivity to having his head touched for hair washing and combing has improved 100%. He was very impressed and said that the touch sensitivity in Autistic individuals is one of…
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The following are testimonials from parents of children on the Autism Spectrum and ADHD. Hi Dr Marquis, I just wanted to send you an update on how Delaney is doing with her (Neurofeedback) therapy. I was sharing with the girls up front and they encouraged me to email you. Since Delaney started her therapy, we…
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