Patient Success Stories
Patient Success Stories1
Dr. Marquis, I wanted to update you on my health and thank you for being the reason for a lot of my improvement. After two M.D.s were unable to resolve...
Patient Success Stories2
This is a chronological patient history shared with permission and by request of Marie Walker, 67-years-old. Marie was generally very active and enjoyed riding her bike along with other forms...
Patient Success Stories3
Dear Dr. Marquis, I'm writing to thank you from my innermost being for collaborating with me in my healing process from a car wreck on Oct. 13, 2013. This wreck,...
Patient Success Stories4
Dr. Marquis,I'm not sure whether it's the diet, the supplements or the combination of both, but I feel better than I have since 2003 (over 11 years); when I was...
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This is from a patient who suffered with fatigue, brain fog and anxiety. Hi Dr. Marquis, (Since starting the Neurofeedback) I'm noticing that I am functioning much better and I've...
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"You saved my life!! THANK YOU isn't enough. I'm on my way to San Francisco this weekend to have fun with my friends. It's been four long years since I've...
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Hello Dr. Marquis, My wife Staci goes to you for fertility issues. Thanks for the help conceiving Zoey. We had tried to conceive for over two and a half years...
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Hi Dr. Marquis, After we were able to conceive our daughter naturally just 6 weeks after being put on your diet... (after 2 1/2 years of unsuccessful infertility treatments)... we...
Patient Success Stories9
The following are testimonials from parents of children on the Autism Spectrum and ADHD. Hi Dr Marquis, I just wanted to send you an update on how Delaney is doing...
Patient Success Stories10
Hi Dr. Dave, Today Tyler saw his Psychiatrist (Dr. R), for his med review. I told him about the (NeruoFeedback) mind mapping and how Tyler's sensitivity to having his head...
Patient Success Stories11
Dr. Marquis Thank you!Even though I've been updating you with the problems we have been having there have been so many changes! He talks sooo much more, keeps eye contact,...
Patient Success Stories12-1
This testimonial is from a parent of one of the many children who have seen the benefits of doing the interactive metronome. These results were observed after 2-3 weeks of...
Patient Success Stories 12-2
Early in 2012, my 14-year-old son, Robbie, was diagnosed with a moderate/severe case of Crohn's disease. After experimenting with a variety of medications and watching dosages continue to increase, Robbie's...
Patient Success Stories13
Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all . . . – Emily Dickinson"
Patient Success Stories14
For a long, long time now (did I say long?) I've been in an awful lot of pain with a tight hip flexor each morning upon arising. It got to...
Patient Success Stories15
"I want to thank you so much for helping me achieve a healthy lifestyle. I am so thankful that you were able to pinpoint the foods that I should and...
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The Mystery Illness and Pain "After 3 months of severe fatigue, numbness, tingling, pain, not being able to sleep at night I was at the end of my patience. I...
Patient Success Stories17
"Your advice about taking Vitamin B-Complex and B-6 worked to stop the swelling in my legs. About a month after I started taking them the swelling in my legs stopped....
Patient Success Stories18
"Dear Dr. Marquis, Thank you and your staff for caring about me. I could have never look or feel this good without you, I really owe my life to you,...
Patient Success Stories19
"Dr. Dave, I just wanted to send you a note to thank you for all of your help and guidance regarding Bradley. I know we aren't completely out of the...
Patient Success Stories20
"I just wanted to thank you for all that you have done for me. It is like once I went to your office and got your information, and then took...
Patient Success Stories21
"My story of health issues began when I was 19 years old. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, major depressive disorder, an anxiety disorder, some sort of connective tissue disease and...
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"It feels good to feel good again! I am so thankful to Dr. Marquis and his wonderful staff for helping me turn the corner to a better quality of life....
Patient Success Stories23
"I learned about Dr. Marquis from a friend at a time when I had just about resigned myself to a life of intermittent pain. I had already had both hips...
Patient Success Stories24
"When I was 17 years old I had injuries that resulted in the loss of my spleen, and adrenal gland, a kidney, I also suffered damage to a lung, diaphragm...
Patient Success Stories25
"Dr. Marquis' gentle yet thorough technique brought immediate results and benefits. His ongoing treatment has been an education for me in anatomy and nutrition. I especially appreciate his exhortations that...
Patient Success Stories26
The reason I am writing is because my mom asked for a link to your website for her friend who isn't feeling too great. I sent it to her but...
Patient Success Stories27
Dr. Marquis has been my "Chiropractic Guy" for over 10 years. Recently I developed chronic pain and joint swelling in my hands specifically. Dr. Marquis suggested a blood test for...